A new crack that caused an oxygen leak on the International Space Station (ISS) could have appeared due to the impact of micrometeorites or have technical reasons. The head of Roskosmos Dmitry Rogozin , writes RIA Novosti .
In general, Rogozin called the situation with the crack on the ISS “a fly swollen from an elephant” by alarmists, which, according to him, are numerous in Russia.
Earlier it became known that another hole was formed in the ISS body. Presumably, it is located in the intermediate chamber of the Zvezda module. The Mission Control Center asked the crew to pack bags and blankets in various places to narrow the search area leaks. Until the moment when she was found, the astronauts were asked to keep the chamber permanently closed to save air.
Initially it was sealed with plasticine, but on the morning of October 10, the cosmonaut Ivan Wagner reported that the pressure in the leaking module compartment dropped to 634 millimeters of mercury. When the hatch was closed, this figure was 727 millimeters, that is, the plasticine did not help to stop the leak.