The president’s press secretary Dmitry Peskov stated that he contracted the coronavirus after how he refused to use a “virus blocker”. He told about this in an interview with the host of “Russia 1” Vladimir Soloviev . A recording of their conversation was posted on YouTube -channel “Soloviev LIVE”.
“As long as I wore this thing, I didn’t get sick. But then I was actually ostracized by the media and took it off. And within a few weeks I got sick!” – said Peskov.
According to a Kremlin spokesman, the blocker causes a cough and difficulty in breathing due to the release of chlorine, but it “really saves you from the flu and other coronaviruses.
Journalists noticed at Peskov’s “virus blocker” on April 8. A presidential spokesman explained that he bought it from a pharmacy, but was not sure about its effectiveness. The media staff told him that the “blocker” has side effects in the form of confusion and wheezing.
Two days later, journalists noticed that Peskov had removed the “blocker”. He explained that he was frightened with information about his harm. On May 12, he reported that he had contracted the coronavirus and was hospitalized.