Experts talked about ways to restore body after holidays

Doctors and psychologists advise to start preparing the body to return to its usual rhythm after the New Year holidays in three days. Their words are eaten by RIA Novosti .

According to neuropsychologist Yulia Punina, you need to allow the body to restore its previous biological rhythms. She believes that abrupt return to the previous schedule can affect concentration, as well as lack of sleep and fatigue.

Specialist in primary health care for adults of the Department of Healthcare of the capital Andrey Tyazhelnikov a > I am convinced that food, which differs from the usual, plays an important role in the New Year holidays. “If the holidays have disrupted the usual diet, then it is useful to arrange a fasting day,” he said.

Vadim Myamlin, PhD in Psychology, called a mono-diet an excellent way to unload the body after the holidays. Also, he believes, it is necessary to spend more time outdoors.

So that the road to work after long days of rest does not seem incredible, it is reasonable to diversify the rest with a trip to the bathhouse or sauna, the psychologist is sure Irina Larina .

Earlier, nutritionist Inna Pichugina noted that people who do not control their food can gain up to 10 kilograms on New Year’s holidays. Even a person with a normal metabolism can get problems with the gastrointestinal tract, liver and blood vessels due to uncontrolled eating.
