In addition to the complaints from the magistrates’ unions, that of the anti-corruption association Anticor was also ruled admissible by the requests committee of the Court of Justice of the Republic. p >
The atmosphere may be cool, Monday January 11, around 4 pm, between the Minister of Justice, Eric Dupond -Moretti, and the Attorney General at the Court of Cassation, François Molins, when the latter will welcome him for the solemn hearing at the beginning of the year.
Friday, January 8, at the end of the day. noon, the public prosecutor at the Court of Justice of the Republic (CJR), at the head of which is the former public prosecutor of Paris, François Molins, indicated in a press release that he was preparing to open a judicial investigation aimed at the keeper of the seals for illegal taking of interest.
An offense defining “the fact, by a person holding public authority (…) of taking re, receive or retain, directly or indirectly, any interest whatsoever in a company or in an operation for which it has, at the time of the act, in whole or in part, the responsibility of ensuring the supervision, administration, liquidation or payment “, and liable to five years in prison.
This judicial development, logical follow-up to the favorable opinion given by the requests committee of the CJR, jurisdiction competent to judge the crimes or offenses committed by members of the government in the exercise of their function, which the President of the Republic Emmanuel Macron had promised the removal, comes after the filing of several complaints addressed to the CJR.
“When the time comes, I will explain “
An unprecedented fact, the two main magistrates’ unions, the Union Syndicale des Magistrates (USM) and the Syndicat de la magistrature (SM), had filed, on December 16, 2020, a joint complaint before the CJR’s complaints commission against Eric Dup ond-Moretti to denounce two decisions he had taken as minister but behind which they had seen the hand of the lawyer.
September 18, on the basis of a report of the general inspectorate of justice which had however not noted anything illegal, the current Keeper of the Seals had requested the opening of an administrative investigation against three magistrates of the National Financial Prosecutor’s Office (PNF) who had been in charge of the ‘preliminary investigation opened in 2014 to try to find out who had informed Thierry Herzog, Nicolas Sarkozy’s lawyer, that the mobile phone acquired under the assumed name Paul Bismuth by the former head of state had been tapped . Investigation during which, Eric Dupond-Moretti, among other lawyers, had seen his telephone bills peeled before filing a complaint that he will withdraw after his appointment to Place Vendôme.
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