Expert called updates capable of killing smartphone

Associate Professor of the Department of Informatics of the Plekhanov Russian University of Economics Alexander Timofeev called the agency “Prime” updates that can kill your smartphone.

According to the expert, new updates released by IT giants Google and Apple , more and more often have crashes that “break” the usual work of smartphones. This is due to the increasing complexity of new updates and the software code itself.

For example, Google has released the latest update with the problematic Carrier Services application for Android. It turned out that after the installation, SMS messages stopped working for smartphone owners.

The expert said that mobile operators most often update their communication services taking into account the latest technologies, and sometimes updates can affect the correct operation of a smartphone. In some cases, they can completely “break” the gadget up to returning to factory settings.

The specialist concluded that critical errors appear precisely in the software. For example, many developers use ready-made templates, exchange best practices and sometimes “get confused” in a long process of algorithms.

Last July it was reported that a system update limited the functionality of the Xiaomi smartphone Mi A3. Users told on the company’s official forum and on social networks that after installing the security patch, the second SIM card stopped working on the phones. According to journalists, the problem was caused by an incorrect update named V11.0.3.0.QFQMXTC, while the correct one had the QFQMIXM postfix.
