Family doctor, chairman of the National Society for Industrial Medicine Alexey Yakovlev revealed in an interview with “MK” the fate of coronavirus in Russia in the coming year.
So, most experts agree that the virus will constantly mutate and will remain in our lives just like the flu. At the same time, the incidence will decline.
According to a specialist, the Russians are waiting for the evolution of COVID-19. Thus, the virus becomes less dangerous and, therefore, more infectious. “To put it simply, COVID-19 aims to become the common cold,” he said.
The doctor believes that by the spring the incidence will be minimal, as it was last summer. At the same time, he believes that vaccination in Russia will not play a decisive role in the fight against the pandemic due to mistrust of the developed vaccinations. “It is much more likely that a large proportion of the population susceptible to this infection will acquire immunity,” he said.
Previously publicist and TV presenter Anatoly Wasserman gave a forecast for 2021. He recalled that 2020 was marked by the coronavirus. The same thing, according to the polymath, will happen in 2021. According to Wasserman, vaccinations around the world will last about three years. However, he urged to prepare for the worst anyway.