The Security Service and the police of Ukraine have begun checking rumors that the country is undergoing clandestine vaccination against coronavirus, for which a contraband vaccine is used. Izvestia reports citing the country’s Deputy Interior Minister Anton Gerashchenko.
“If someone wants to inject himself with some kind of vaccine for his money, at his own peril and risk, it is his right, but to sell a vaccine that is not registered and smuggled in without paying customs duties and taxes – this is a violation, “Gerashchenko noted.
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The deputy head of Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine also stressed that to import medicines into the country you need to pay special tax. At the same time, according to Gerashchenko, a private person can bring up to five packages of medicine for their own needs.
Earlier, the edition reported that some Ukrainian officials, politicians and businessmen were vaccinated against coronavirus. The origin of the vaccine was unknown. Later, one of the employees of the Kiev clinic confirmed to the journalist the information that secret VIP vaccination against COVID-19 is being carried out at the institution.
About the fact that Ukrainian officials secretly purchase a vaccine produced by the American consortium Pfizer / BioNTech for distribution in narrow VIP circles, also told the head of the editorial board of the portal “Observer ” Mikhail Brodsky . According to him, the vaccination, which consists of two injections, costs 2.5 thousand dollars. The drug was brought in on December 29 or 30 by a charter flight, probably as baggage, by persons with diplomatic passports, so the vaccine was smuggled past customs. President of Ukraine Vladimir Zelensky instructed to start an investigation into these rumors.
Officially, Ukraine has not purchased any of the existing vaccines against COVID-19. On January 3, the head of the state enterprise “Medical Procurement of Ukraine” told that the contract for delivery of two drugs at once fell through. The Ministry of Health stated that the company simply could not provide a bank guarantee to the manufacturer. At the same time, the possibility of purchasing Russian vaccines in Ukraine was repeatedly ruled out, despite readiness of the Russian side start shipping.