On the right as on the left, we are astonished at the lack of progress of the vaccination campaign launched on December 28 compared to European neighbors, to the point of suspecting the executive of a new failure in management of the health crisis.
In just a few days, since the launch of the vaccination against Covid-19, Sunday December 28, the political atmosphere turned sour around this unique hope of ending the health crisis. Removed, doubts about the reliability of messenger RNA serum; oppositions on the right, left and center now blame the government for its slowness, on the basis of international comparisons showing the delay taken by France compared to its neighbors.
“Germany is already at more than 42,000 vaccinated, UK 900,000 and France less than 200! After masks, tests and isolation, another failure would be terrible. I call on the government to make public the vaccination schedule for Ehpad [accommodation establishments for dependent elderly people] by department “, exclaimed Wednesday, December 30 the leader of senators Les Républicains (LR), Bruno Retailleau in a tweet .
Tuesday evening, the Minister of Health, Olivier Véran, provided a new element of the vaccination schedule, announcing the availability of the vaccine for caregivers over 50 by the end of January. But a precise and quantified framework is slow to emerge. “Faced with the rising controversy, I ask you to add to the health data presented during the daily update, the number of vaccinations performed each day,” asked Tuesday the leader of the Socialist deputies, Valérie Rabault. She also calls on the government to “set an example”, “for example with the vaccination of older ministers”.
Strategy “assumed”
At the local level, more of 200 mayors, led by the various right-wing councilor of Poissy (Yvelines), Karl Olive, affirm, in a forum relayed by Le Figaro, their wish to be vaccinated in public to set an example as soon as possible. A way to boost a vaccine campaign in its infancy with nursing home residents. “This would also cut short the widespread idea that seniors in nursing homes are taken for guinea pigs. That we should first test the side effects on them, and then we would advise! What a shame. Let’s cut this short and let’s go further and more rapidly in our republican and sanitary approach “, they write.
It is hardly but Christian Estrosi, mayor of Nice, to congratulate the government for its management:” The minister of health has been totally attentive to our needs, “he said Wednesday on France Inter, the city having obtained, in addition to an early curfew, the launch of an early vaccination campaign in its nursing homes. The Grand-Est should follow, from Monday, without however the vaccination running at full speed. In Matignon, we warn that “the real rise in power is from mid-January”.
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