In the United States, a three-year-old boy suffered a stroke due to the coronavirus. At the same time, the test for infection gave a negative result, writes The Mirror.
The parents sounded the alarm when the child’s right hand was taken away, and the child’s speech became slurred. They took him to the hospital, but the coronavirus test he took there gave a negative result. At the same time, antibodies were found in his blood.
In addition, a blood clot was found in the boy’s brain, formed due to a lack of oxygen against the background of a coronavirus. The doctor who operated on the infant believes that COVID-19 patients are more prone to thrombosis.
Earlier, an American teenager who suffered a rare complication after the coronavirus spoke about his symptoms. The boy was diagnosed with multisystem inflammation syndrome in children and adolescents. Because of this disease, the young man developed heart failure, and he spent some time in intensive care. This complication was recorded in minors from different countries of the world, in some cases it was fatal.