Russian doctor named an unobvious cause of headache in morning

A headache in the morning may indicate the presence of a disease such as bruxism – teeth grinding in sleep, associated with hyperfunction of the chewing muscles at night. This unobvious reason was named by the dentist Alexey Antipenko in a conversation with Zvezda TV channel .

According to him, bruxism appears against the background of constant stress, due to which the nervous system does not calm down even in sleep. This disease can be recognized not only at night, but also during the day. So, for example, one of the signs of bruxism can be clenching of the teeth during strenuous work.

“Bruxism has a very unpleasant moment besides the headache – this is the progressive abrasion of the teeth along the vertical – the chewing surfaces and cutting edges disappear irretrievably,” Antipenko noted. He stressed that if signs of this disease appear, it is recommended to see a doctor.

Earlier dentist Ekaterina Dronova told that even the most expensive brush can be useless if you don’t follow the correct brushing technique. According to her, in order to achieve a clean oral cavity, you need to do 5-10 sweeping movements for each tooth. In addition, the doctor explained that the procedure for brushing teeth is to remove soft plaque from the surface of the cheeks, tongue, palate, as well as from the chewing and contact surfaces of the teeth.
