The boat, which was carrying more than 50 people, was sailing on Lake Albert. Twenty-one people were rescued.
Le Monde avec AFP
At least 26 people died in the sinking on Wednesday 23 December d ‘a boat on Lake Albert, which marks the border between Uganda and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Ugandan officials said Friday.
“The boat was carrying more than 50 people, 26 bodies were recovered, and 21 people were rescued, “Ashraf Oromo, a Ugandan administration official in charge of the site from which the ship departed, said Friday.
Shipwrecks are frequent and deadly in the DRC, both on lakes and rivers, and accidents often result in very heavy tolls, due to the overload and dilapidation of the boats, the absence of life jackets on board , and the fact that a large proportion of the population cannot swim. In March 2014, a shipwreck on the same Lake Albert left more than 250 dead or missing. In 2016, at least 30 members of a Ugandan village soccer team and their supporters also drowned in the lake, during a party they held on a ship.