Grandmother rescued her three-year-old granddaughter after being bitten by a deadly snake

In the Australian city of Mangera, Western Australia, a poisonous snake stung a three-year-old child, reports ABC News.

The girl was playing ball with her brother and grandmother, did not notice the snake that crawled out of the flower bed, and accidentally stepped on it. As a result, the reptile bit the child. The grandmother immediately immobilized her granddaughter and tightly bandaged her legs to slow the spread of the poison throughout the body. Then an ambulance took the child to the hospital. She received the antidote and recovered completely.

Presumably the girl was stung by a spotted brown snake. Its poison is considered one of the most powerful and deadly for humans. Most of those killed by a spotted brown snake bite will have cardiac arrest before they can be taken to hospital. Doctors believe that the grandmother’s quick and correct reaction saved the child.

The spotted brown snake (Pseudonaja affinis) is found in Western Australia and can be up to two meters in length. She is most active during the mating season in October and November.

Last year, a fisherman in Australia died from a sea snake bite. It is noted that this has not happened for 80 years.
