“Iranian Angelina Jolie” released after 10 years in prison

Internet star Fatemeh Khishvand, sentenced to ten years in prison, was dubbed “Iranian Angelina Jolie “, was released. The Daily Mail reports.

The girl was released from prison just a few days after the trial, which was convicted. Iranian journalist Masih Alinejad linked her release to public outrage over the verdict.

Fatima Khishwand managed to give an interview to the state TV channel Rokna. “I’m sure that now I won’t even put Instagram on my phone, let alone start a page there,” she said.

Khishwand, better known under the pseudonym Sugar Tabar, became famous after the publication of photographs , in which she resembled both Angelina Jolie and a zombie. Later, the girl admitted that she created this image using makeup and Photoshop, and showed her real face.

Khishvand went to jail after arrest in October 2019. She was accused of blasphemy, illegal enrichment and other criminal acts. In April 2020, it became known that a girl fell ill COVID-19. In December, Khishwand was sentenced to ten years in prison. The girl spent 14 months behind bars.
