Science magazine named main scientific breakthrough of year

The American scientific journal Science named coronavirus vaccines the main scientific breakthrough of the year. We are talking about drugs Moderna, Pfizer-BioNTech, “Sputnik V” and their other analogues, according to the article published in the journal.

“This year we were well aware that the main scientific breakthrough would be somehow related to the coronavirus, but only in recent weeks it became clear to us that highly effective vaccines against COVID-19 will be awarded this honor,” the text says. The editor-in-chief of Golden Thorpe magazine added that until recently, the invention of a vaccine seemed unattainable, but now mass vaccination has almost started around the world.

The top three also included the first CRISPR genome treatment and the creation of an online community of black scientists.

Science magazine publishes ten major scientific breakthroughs annually according to the editorial board. In addition, the publication conducts a vote among readers for the title of “people’s” breakthrough. The opinion of subscribers often does not coincide with the opinion of the authors of the journal.
