A fishing boat that disappeared nine years ago circled ocean and returned

On the Japanese island of Hachijima, a fishing boat was found, which disappeared in 2011 after the devastating tsunami. During this time, she bypassed the Pacific Ocean and visited the coast of the United States, writes The Guardian.

Before the disappearance, the 5.5-meter boat was in the Japanese city of Kesennuma, Miyagi Prefecture. The distance from Hatijoujima to Kesennuma is about 650 kilometers, but experts do not exclude that the lost boat traveled a much longer journey. This is evidenced by the corals that cover it.

According to a local expert, quoted by the Mainichi Shimbun newspaper, the boat crossed the Pacific Ocean and reached the west coast of the United States, where it entered the northern equatorial current, which carried it towards Southeast Asia. There the boat was picked up by the Kuroshio current and brought it back to the shores of Japan.

On March 11, 2011, off the coast of Japan there was a strong earthquake that caused a devastating tsunami. It led to the death of 18 thousand people and disaster at the Fukushima-1 nuclear power plant. The damage caused by the disaster was estimated at hundreds of billions of dollars.

In 2012 it was reported that a soccer ball was found in Alaska, which was carried into the ocean during the March 2011 tsunami. He covered more than five thousand kilometers by water.
