Woman who drank 20 cans of cola a day explained losing weight by 58 kilograms

A resident of the Australian city of Canberra, who was overweight, spoke about how she managed to lose 58 kilograms reports News.com.au.

33-year-old Adele Fa’aeteete got fat in 2018. It was a difficult moment in her life: she lost her sister and suffered from postpartum depression. The woman recalls that she ate Snickers bars and fast food, drank instant coffee and at least 20 cans Coca-Cola per day. Soon her weight reached 133 kilograms.

On the advice of a psychologist, Faatite began to move more, then took up food. The woman completely gave up sugar, caffeine and refined carbohydrates, and switched to a diet of salads, fish, chicken and three liters of water per day. She also went to the gym every day and lost 18 kilograms of fat in the first eight weeks. Now her weight is 75 kilograms.

Earlier it was reported that a resident of the English city of Wallingford, Oxfordshire, hiding dependence on fast food from friends, managed to get rid of bad eating habits and lost 44 kilograms without going to the gym. She put a calorie counter on her phone and gradually reduced her calorie intake to 1200 calories a day.
