Corpses of mink infected with coronavirus could poison groundwater in Denmark

Mass graves with millions of corpses of minks infected with the coronavirus could poison the groundwater, reports Radio 4, citing a study by geologists.

There is no confirmation that the water in the places where the killed animals were buried is really contaminated. The Danish Environmental Protection Agency has not yet commented on the scientists’ reports.

It is clarified that the final results of the study will be published early next year. To obtain them, you need to make measurements directly below the burial site.

Scientists are also calling for roofs to be built over mass graves, as rain and melting snow can push harmful substances into groundwater. It is noted that one of the places where animals are buried is dangerously close to sources of drinking water.

Representatives of local authorities are openly dissatisfied with the situation. The federal authorities have remained silent for now, but the fears seem to be shared. According to the newspaper, last week the government put forward a proposal to dig up the bodies of animals and cremate them.

Although a huge population of minks was destroyed on fur farms in Denmark, hundreds of them carrying SARS-CoV-2 in early December escaped .

November 5 in Denmark decided to destroy all minks on fur farms to prevent the spread mutated coronavirus. In these animals, an infection was found that spreads to humans and contributes to the weakening of the ability to form antibodies. There are currently 12 registered people with this virus. At the end of the month, the killed mink “rose up” from the ground where they were buried : the bodies of animals swelled as a result of the formation of animal gases in them and rose to the surface.

World Health Organization confirmed the susceptibility of minks to coronavirus, making them dangerous to humans. Therefore, there is a risk that the population of these animals could facilitate transmission of the virus.
