Gigantic wild goldfish discovered

A huge goldfish was discovered in the American state of South Carolina, according to Unilad.

The opening was made by parks and recreation workers who checked the water quality in Oak Grove Lake. In one test, electrodes are immersed in water and a current is applied. Under its influence, the fish float to the surface, where they are examined by experts. This time a 38 centimeters long goldfish, weighing four kilograms, jumped out of the lake. After examination and measurement, she was released into the water.

Usually goldfish are not found in the waters of South Carolina, so experts believe that someone released it into the lake. Exactly when this happened remains unknown, but ten years ago the water in Oak Grove Lake was not seen ten years ago.

Goldfish are usually no more than 15 centimeters in length and weigh up to 350 grams. At the same time, individuals up to 48 centimeters long are known. In captivity, this fish has a lifespan of 10 to 30 years, wild goldfish live for over 40 years.

In March it was reported that a carnival goldfish belonging to a resident of an US city Chicago, Illinois, ate all relatives and grew up to 30 centimeters in length. After that, the woman had to buy a new aquarium.
