Blue light, or HEV radiation, used in almost all gadgets, has a negative effect on the body and, in particular, on vision and skin. Ophthalmologist Arpine Adamyan disclosed his health hazard to “Prime” agency.
According to her, this radiation causes irreversible photochemical reactions in the retina, which destroy photoreceptors and cells of the pigment epithelium. “If you use gadgets for a long time, you may develop dry eye syndrome, dystrophy of the central zone of the retina, rapid eye fatigue, and decreased visual acuity,” the ophthalmologist warned.
In addition, blue light emanating from gadgets leads to premature aging and skin pigmentation. It also reduces the production of melatonin, a sleep hormone, at night and causes insomnia.
Adamyan recommended the use of special computer glasses with a yellow filter, which absorbs the blue glow of LCD screens, to protect eyesight. According to her, it is necessary to be distracted from the screens of gadgets for a few minutes every hour, periodically take longer breaks, use the devices only during the day and put them off 2-3 hours before bed.
Blue light is the shortest light wave in the light spectrum. It has the highest energy and intensity of dispersion. Almost all gadgets now emit blue light, as they use LED and fluorescent lamps to illuminate them.