Proton-PM expands use of Internet of Things in production management

By the end of 2020, the Proton-PM company (part of the NPO Energomash integrated structure of the Roscosmos State Corporation) will increase the number of numerically controlled machines equipped with the Naviman equipment load monitoring system by one and a half times. To date, 28 machining centers are connected to it, which determine the production plan.

In real time, the system monitors the condition of the machines and transmits to managers the performance indicators of the machine park and production data: useful working time, reasons for downtime, information about processing stages, and others. This increases the speed and quality of management decision-making, allows you to control the implementation of production tasks.

According to Andrey Podgornov, Deputy Director for Production of Proton-PM, the system has proven its effectiveness during its operation: “The Naviman complex helps to identify downtime and control the actual load of each unit of technological equipment. So, the useful work time of the machines connected to the system has been increased almost 60%. At the same time, the duration of downtime associated with breakdowns, lack of control programs or tools has been significantly reduced. By the end of this year, we plan to connect another 14 pieces of equipment to the system. “

The next stage in the implementation of tools for the industrial Internet of Things on Proton-PM will be the transition from descriptive analytics that answers the question: “What happened?” to predictive, capable of simulating and predicting events. This will allow predicting and planning equipment repairs, monitoring the condition of the tool and, as a result, avoiding unexpected production downtime. The company’s specialists have already held a number of meetings with representatives of companies that develop and implement software products based on neural networks and big data processing methods.

/Info Release. View in full here.