The President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko spoke about the upcoming constitutional reform aimed at redistribution powers between government authorities, reports Telegram -channel “Pool of the First”.
“The most democratic scheme, in all democratic states, is exactly this: the government introduced, the parliament agreed – if this is a law, the head of state signs it or rejects it, if the principles established by the All-Belarusian People’s Assembly are violated. For the next five years, the basic principles of our states will be established by this congress of the people, “he promised.
Lukashenko added that this scheme of state reform is “absolutely transparent, beautiful, democratic”.
On November 27 Lukashenko called himself a supporter of constitutional reform in the country. “Not because we need some kind of democracy. It’s not about democracy. What worries me in this situation is that such a constitution cannot be given to an unfamiliar president. There will be trouble,” he said. At the same time, he promised that he would give up his post after the adoption of the new constitution.
Formerly Prime Minister of Belarus Roman Golovchenko announced that the All-Belarusian People’s Assembly, at which the issue of the new constitution will be decided, is planned to be held in early 2021 … The authorities intend to divide the events into two blocks – issues of socio-economic and socio-political development of the country.
In August, Lukashenko announced that he would transfer part of his powers after the constitutional reforms. He stressed that he will not allow opposition to this work.
In Belarus, for the fourth month, mass protests continue, which began after the presidential elections on August 9. Lukashenka, who ran for a sixth term, received 80 percent of the vote, according to official results. The opposition considers the elections to be rigged.