Hunter confused wood-chopping foreigner with wild boar and shot him

A hunter in the remote French village of La Garrigue near Toulouse confused a British expat with a wild boar and accidentally shot him, reports the Daily Star.

25-year-old Briton Morgan Keane chopped wood in front of his house, was shot and died on the spot. He was shot by a French hunter who mistook the foreigner for a wild boar.

On Wednesday afternoon, December 2, the Frenchman was detained by police. He was charged with manslaughter. A source in law enforcement stated that the man was sober, had a license and participated in an organized hunt … He was horrified by what had happened.

Keane lived in the village for many years and was a member of a British expat family. After the death of his parents, he lived in France with his brother.

Keene’s friend Lillianne (Lillianne) said that the man was very close to his parents. He took care of his mother and remained at the bedside of his dying father until the very end. She said that the Briton was a passionate musician, creative and generous person. Her husband Gavin emphasized: “Morgan was always ready to help.”

Earlier it was reported that in the Tyumen region one hunter mistook a man for a wild boar and shot him. From the received gunshot wound, he died before the arrival of an ambulance.
