The President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko responded to messages on Telegram channels about his visit to the maternity hospital for coronavirus patients in the Vitebsk region. He was outraged by the number of fakes and called the news authors “scoundrels”, BelTA informs.
The indignation of the head of state was caused by the message that before his arrival, a “Chekist landing” had landed on the spot. He stressed that the KGB is called “Chekists”, and the President’s personal Security Service is involved in the visits of the President, and this is a normal practice.
In addition, Lukashenko called a lie the reports that coronavirus hospitals lack personal protective equipment, and doctors have to wear disposable masks several times, as well as a lack of staff and that there is no clear division into safe from COVID-2019 zone and “red” zone.
The President stressed that all this is a lie and he personally saw something different in the Vitebsk maternity hospital. “I don’t read any further: [they write] that they are not paid, they are forced to plow on the edge of human resources. /
Earlier it was reported that during a visit to Lukashenko’s maternity hospital praised the nurse for non-compliance with the recommendations of World Health Organization (WHO). In a medical facility, a newborn baby is taken from an infected mother and brought only when the woman recovers. WHO does not recommend doing this.
Since December 4, Minsk polyclinics have stopped routine patient admission due to the coronavirus. The day before, a record increase in the number of detected cases of coronavirus per day was recorded in Belarus – 1701. In total, 141.6 thousand infected have been registered since the beginning of the pandemic. Quarantine was not introduced in Belarus, since Lukashenka did not consider it an economically viable measure. At the same time, WHO, UN and other international authorities insisted on introducing restrictions, and also reproached The Ministry of Health of Belarus in insufficiently accurate information about the situation with the development of the epidemic.