Obese actress suffered a terminal illness and reached her minimum weight

Obese Australian actress Rebel Wilson who dropped more 20 kilograms, talked about how she felt when she reached her minimum weight. Journalists from the Daily Mail drew attention to the live broadcast in her Instagram -account. >

The 40-year-old celebrity explained to subscribers that before she began to lead a healthy lifestyle, she hated her appearance and had psychological problems. “I used my extra weight as a barrier from people so they don’t get close to me,” Wilson explained.

It is noted that the actress reached her minimum weight when she contracted a deadly disease – malaria. “People asked how I was able to lose weight, and I was dying,” admitted the star. According to her, after recovering, she decided to take care of her health seriously.

Wilson emphasizes that in 2020 she decided to start eating right and playing sports, as she plans to freeze her eggs. She has already managed to lose 28 kilograms through hiking and a balanced diet. At the moment, the actress weighs 75 kilograms.

Earlier in November, Rebel Wilson announced that she had achieved the desired appearance and showed the scales … She posted a photo of the scales at 74.6 kilograms.
