The girl found in her closet a backpack with money that she should have earned as a schoolgirl. A user named Susan (Iguessmynameissusan) shared her story on
Suzanne, suffering from psychological problems and memory disorders, could not independently recall the origin of the find. Later, the mother explained to the girl that she found money from neighbors who paid for the candles, but due to forgetfulness the schoolgirls never received their orders.
It also turned out that over time, the mother gave the debt to all failed clients. She jokingly reminded her daughter that now the find belongs to her by right.
In November it was reported about a married couple who found antique coins worth tens of thousands of dollars. The spouses assumed that the treasure was left by people who lived in the house before them. They contacted them and gave them the find.
A schoolgirl forgot a backpack full of money in closet and found it 20 years later