Listed are three ways to get rid of a cold quickly

To get rid of a cold quickly, there are three easy ways that don’t involve taking expensive medications. They were listed by British general practitioner and TV presenter Sarah Jarvis in an interview with Express.

So, according to her, the first method is a throat spray, which creates a protective barrier against germs. “Colds enter the body through mucous membranes – mainly through the mouth and nose. Research has shown that the spray can cut the duration of cold symptoms in half,” Jarvis explained.

Secondly, the doctor advises, you can use echinacea for treatment. However, it cannot be used by children. According to the expert, medicine does not yet have unambiguous data on which parts of the plant and in what volume should be consumed.

And finally, Jarvis recommended taking vitamin C or foods that contain it: citrus fruits, peppers, broccoli, Brussels sprouts and potatoes.

To avoid the spread of the disease, the doctor advised to frequently wash your hands with warm water and soap, as well as sneeze and cough into disposable wipes and throw them away quickly.
