Israel decided to dissolve parliament again

Israel is again at a political dead end: the local parliament in a preliminary reading again approved the bill on its dissolution and early elections. This is stated on the Knesset website .

61 deputies voted for the dissolution, 54 against. The project was put forward by the leader of the parliamentary opposition, the head of the Yesh Atid bloc Yair Lapid . For the draft to be finally accepted, it must go through three more readings. If the Knesset still decides to dissolve and hold new elections, this will be the fourth time in the last year.

The coalition government of Israel was formed after the third early elections to the Knesset in a year. The basis of the coalition was the Likud party, which is headed by the Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu , and Kahol-Lavan, led by Defense Minister Beni Gantz.

In Israel, the political crisis continues due to the inability to form a new government. Netanyahu’s Likud party won 35 out of 120 seats in parliament, while the Kahol-Lavan bloc won 32 seats in the last re-run parliamentary elections in the country on March 2. As a result, Netanyahu again had difficulties in order to re-take the post of prime minister – for this, his party had to form a ruling coalition with a specific weight of at least 61 mandates, without which the government cannot function.
