Coronavirus deaths exceed flu and pneumonia deaths in Britain

Deaths from coronavirus exceeded deaths from influenza and pneumonia in Britain by eight times. This is evidenced by data published at National Statistical Service country.

2,697 people died from complications caused by COVID-19 in the week from November 14 to November 20. During the same week, 2,605 people died with the flu or pneumonia: however, these diseases were named the cause of death in only 280 cases. England and Wales recorded 20 percent more deaths during this time than in the past five years.

According to the latest data, there are 1.6 million people infected with coronavirus in the UK. 59 thousand people died from complications.

December 1 it was reported that in Japan the number of deaths from coronavirus for all the time of the pandemic did not exceed the number of suicides in one autumn month. According to experts, this suggests that in the future, other countries may also see an increase in the number of suicides.
