CSTO proposed to create a safe space from Vancouver to Vladivostok

The leaders of the CSTO (Collective Security Treaty Organization) countries propose to create a safe space from Vancouver to Vladivostok. This is stated in the statement CSTO Collective Security Council , adopted at the end of the summit , reports Interfax .

“We are ready to work together to build a free, democratic, common and indivisible Euro-Atlantic and Eurasian security community in the space from Vancouver to Vladivostok,” the document says.

The authors of the statement note that “the safety of everyone is inextricably linked to the safety of everyone else.”

“We propose to organize a meeting of authorized representatives of the CSTO, CIS, SCO , OSCE , NATO and EU for discussion the security strategies adopted in these organizations as a first step towards the formation of an indivisible security space, “the document says.

The Declaration adopted by the Council also states that the CSTO will continue to deepen cooperation with UN a>.

“Today, a number of documents important for our activities in various areas have been approved. These are several documents on the development of our peacekeeping potential and further steps to join the UN peacekeeping activities,” said Stanislav Zas, Secretary General of the organization, reports TASS .

The CSTO peacekeeping force includes 3.6 thousand people.

Earlier, the President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko expressed concern the buildup of the US and NATO military presence near the western borders of the CSTO.
