WHO recommends wearing masks outside

Residents of countries where the new type of coronavirus is spreading need to wear masks at all times – including outdoors and in well-ventilated areas, if they cannot maintain social distance. This approach to combating the epidemic was recommended by World Health Organization (WHO) represented by its representative Margaret Harris, reports Reuters .

Harris said that the universal mask regime should be introduced in all places where good ventilation is not provided and it is impossible to maintain a distance of at least one meter. This is recommended for all institutions, including educational ones – wearing masks is prescribed for everyone, including students and schoolchildren.

The representative of the WHO clarified that this is the most significant tightening of recommendations on the mask regimen in the entire pandemic. It also includes new standards for healthcare facilities where the mask is required to be worn by everyone, everywhere, including cafeterias and staff rooms.

November 30, the World Health Organization reported the first decrease in the number of coronavirus infections in the world since early September. According to WHO Director-General Tedros Ghebreyesus, this was achieved thanks to a decrease in the number of infections in Europe, which was the result of the introduction of severe restrictive measures in the region.
