Hungarian President accused Soros of intrigues against Europe

The Prime Minister of Hungary Viktor Orban criticized the billionaire George Soros in a new article published on the official website. According to the Hungarian leader, Soros is plotting against the nation states of Europe, trying to make EU a new empire and multicultural society.

The article entitled “Europe must not submit to the networks of George Soros” is a response to the article by Soros, in which he accused the leaders of Poland and Hungary of corruption and disrespect for the rule of law and called on other European countries to jointly fight the position of the Polish and Hungarian states .

Orban began the text with accusations against Soros: according to the politician, he made his fortune only on speculation, and now, having on his salary “a long list of politicians, journalists, judges, officials and political agitators disguised as supporters of civil society “, tries to deprive Europeans of Christian values ​​and to quarrel among the European peoples.

In addition to the fact that Soros is sowing confrontation, he, according to Orban, seeks to erode the national identities of Europeans and make Europe a territory of “open societies”, for a significant part consisting of immigrants. He recalled that some European states remember what it is like to live under tyranny, meaning the countries of the Soviet bloc.

The head of the Hungarian government concluded his article with the words from the title. “The battle for and against the new Brussels empire is not over yet. Brussels seems to be giving up, but many nation-states continue to resist. If we want to preserve our freedom, Europe must not submit to Soros’s networks.”

In early November, the US President’s lawyer Donald Trump and the former mayor of New York Rudy Giuliani also made charges against Soros: he said that the billionaire is sponsoring riots in the United States through funding of Marxist organizations.
