MEP caught at night orgy turns out to be against gay marriage

Caught by the police at a night orgy in Brussels, the European Parliament deputy revealed his identity: the representative of the Hungarian party Fidesz Jozsef Sayer, who is opposed to gay marriage. Euronews reports.

Previously, the police did not disclose the identity of the deputy, but shortly after the report about the illegal party, Jozsef Sayer was dismissed.

Sayer has now admitted that it was he who was detained at a sex party that violates quarantine restrictions. According to the newspaper, in addition to Sayer, there were two more diplomats, whose names were not disclosed. “I apologize for breaking the rules, it was irresponsible on my part. I am ready to be punished for this,” the deputy said.

He also denies that he used drugs. The police found the ecstasy pill, but the deputy claims that it is not his, and he does not know who brought it.

Sayer is an associate of the Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban and one of his supporters the 2010 amendment to the Hungarian Constitution declaring marriage exclusively a union between a man and a woman. Thus, the MP is an opponent of gay marriage and a supporter of traditional values.

The fact that the Belgian police discovered an orgy in a night bar in Brussels with several dozen participants, including an unnamed MEP, became known earlier than December 1st. Upon arrival, the police saw about 25 naked people who did not follow the rules prescribed by the state measures against the coronavirus epidemic.

According to the current rules, there is a curfew in Brussels, and it is also forbidden to gather in groups of more than four people. According to the Johns Hopkins Institute on December 1, more than 577 thousand cases of coronavirus infection and 16 thousand related deaths have been recorded in the country.
