Animal lover rescued a stray cat and died

An animal lover from the Taiwanese city of Tainan rescued a wounded stray cat and died in a car accident, reports Taiwan News.

On Sunday evening, November 29, 32-year-old Chiu allegedly learned that a stray cat had been injured in the highlands of Nanxi County. He went there to pick up the animal and take it to the veterinary clinic.

When the man returned to the city with the cat, he lost control of the car and crashed into the fence of the bridge. The car caught fire.

The firefighters who arrived at the scene extinguished the fire, but the driver could not be saved. The police did not find a brake trace, but they assume that the accident could have occurred due to the fact that Chiu did not know the area well and did not have time to brake when he approached the bridge.

The rescued cat was not injured in the accident. The family of the deceased took it for themselves.

Earlier it was reported that an elderly resident of the Indian city of Chennai, Tamil Nadu state, pulled the cat out of the nine-meter well, fell and was rescued by the dogs. They raised a fuss and notified the household about the incident.
