Designer explained prank that horrified Elizabeth II

Assistant and personal wardrobe designer of the British Queen Elizabeth II Angela Kelly in her In her biographical book “The Other Side of the Medal: The Queen, the Dressmaker and the Wardrobe,” she told about a rally that horrified the monarch. An excerpt from the memoirs was published by The Mirror.

According to Kelly, during a visit to Australia in 2006, the queen was eager to see the kookabara – a bird of the kingfisher family – however, contrary to hopes, she did not come across a single bird of this species. Learning of this desire, Kelly bought a cute toy kookabara in Sydney and decided to play Elizabeth II before giving the gift.

Returning to the Government House located in the capital, where the queen lived during the trip, Kelly put the bird in a small cage, which she hung outside the window. Seeing Elizabeth II, she called her, saying that she had noticed a funny bird. She recognized the kukabara and was very happy to protest when the courtier began to open the cage. “No! Don’t do this, she will fly away!” – exclaimed the royal lady.

Turning to Her Majesty, Kelly said with a serious face that the bird was dead. The joke horrified the queen, and the designer was quick to say that it was a joke. “She only said two words:” You’re fired, “Kelly remembered. She admitted that she could not stop laughing, and the queen jokingly complained about her to her husband. Ultimately, she took the toy with her to Windsor Castle, and now it lies on the couch in her personal living room.

Clerk Angela Kelly – a close adviser to Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain – began working at the royal residence in 1994. She became the first courtier to whom the royal lady gave permission to write a memoir about her life at Buckingham Palace.

Former royal family butler Paul Burrell named Elizabeth II’s favorite household duty … According to him, the royal lady loves to wash dishes. However, the monarch can only afford it while staying at the Scottish estate of Balmoral.
