A girl saved a second grader from a crocodile

In Kenya, a girl with the help of her brother rescued a second grader who was attacked by a crocodile. Kenyans.co.ke reports this.

The reptile grabbed Lesabato Tiren by the arm as he and his friends came to Lake Baringo for water. Betty Lowaar, 12, rushed to his aid, but a predator bit her on the thigh. Her brother, 14-year-old Kemboi Lawaar, joined the fray.) Together with Betty, he poked the crocodile with a stick and called for help.

When people came running to screams, the reptile had already swum away. All three victims were taken to a local hospital. Betty and Kemboy escaped with minor injuries and soon returned home. Lesabato suffered a more serious injury and was transferred to the county hospital.

In Kenya, Nile crocodiles … They grow up to five meters in length, are extremely aggressive and can cope even with such large and strong animals as black rhinoceros, hippo, giraffe, African buffalo and lion.

In 2018 it was reported that the inhabitants of fishing villages on the islands in the lake Victoria is abandoned by the crocodile invasion. A local government official said the reptiles caused many deaths, including seven schoolchildren.
