Kazakhstan bodybuilder married sex doll on third try

A bodybuilder from Kazakhstan, Yuri Tolochko, on the third attempt, married a sex doll after a year and a half of relationship. He announced this in his Instagram -account.

On Wednesday, November 25, the man and his silicone sweetheart Margot were married. The ceremony took place in a restaurant, the groom was wearing a black suit with a bow tie, and the bride was wearing a wedding dress. Dozens of guests came to the wedding. At the end of the celebration, the bride and groom performed a slow dance.

Initially, the wedding was supposed to take place in March in Thailand, but Tolochko decided to move a > it because of the COVID-19 pandemic. According to the Daily Star, the ceremony had to be postponed again, as on October 31, the groom was attacked when he went to a rally for transgender rights in Almaty in women’s clothes. They just smashed his nose and blew his eye, and he also had to spend some time in the hospital due to a concussion.

In December 2019 it became known about the bodybuilder’s intention to marry sex doll. He noted that he treats his beloved as a real woman and goes on dates with her. The man runs social networks for her, where he talks about their relationship on her behalf.
