Energomash confirmed efficiency of RD-191 units and assemblies

Scientific and Production Association “Energomash” named after academician V.P. Glushko (part of the Roscosmos State Corporation) has completed qualification tests of the RD-191 development engine for the Angara launch vehicle, which have confirmed the operability of components and assemblies produced by the Proton-PM company. To this end, six launches were carried out at the firing stand.

A turbo pump unit, a booster pump unit (oxidizer and fuel), a pipeline with an ejector, an oxidizer filter and valve and other nomenclature assigned to the Perm enterprise in the scheme of cooperation on the creation of the Angara engine were successfully operated as part of the finishing engine.

Igor Arbuzov, General Director of NPO Energomash: “NPO Energomash, as the head enterprise of the integrated structure and the developer of RD-191, prepares all technical solutions and regulations for the manufacture of this engine. A series of successful tests of the finishing engine proved its efficiency, taking into account the fact that during the development of the RD-191 engine, a number of design changes were made that improve its characteristics: increase the reliability of the product and reduce its cost. The next important stage for us will be the launch of the improved RD-191 into serial production at Proton-PM. ”

In the course of development work on the RD-191 engine, Proton-PM mastered a number of new technologies, including titanium casting, metal-ceramic coatings, oxygen treatment, and others.

Dmitry Shchenyatsky, Director of Proton-PM: “The tests carried out are the starting point for serial production at our enterprise of the main range of RD-191, including the turbo pump unit, which takes about 30% of the labor intensity of the entire engine. Compliance of RD-191 assemblies and assemblies with the requirements of design documentation was confirmed by the results of flaw detection, which was completed at Proton-PM in November. ”

Recall that the decision to transfer the production of RD-191 to the Perm site was made in 2015 due to an increase in engine supplies. To date, a cooperation of enterprises of an integrated structure has been created, where NPO Energomash prepares all technical solutions and provisions for the RD-191 engine for all enterprises included in the cooperation, and also conducts fire tests of the engine. The creation of the main element – a turbopump unit – and the assembly of the entire engine will be carried out by the serial plant Proton-PM. The production of the RD-191 combustion chamber will be organized at the Voronezh rocket engine building center.

/Info Release. View in full here.