Coronavirus death toll does not exceed Japan’s suicide tally

In Japan, the number of deaths from coronavirus during the entire pandemic did not exceed the number of suicides in one autumn month reports CNN .

It is noted that 2087 people have died in the country since the spread of COVID-19. Moreover, in the last October alone, 2153 people committed suicide.

“We did not even introduce a self-isolation regime, and the impact of COVID-19 on the country is minimal compared to others … However, we are seeing a very large increase in the number of suicides,” said Michiko Ueda, an expert and associate professor at Waseda University. /

The number of suicides in Japan in September reached 1828. According to Ueda, this suggests that in the future, other countries may also record a large increase in the number of suicides.

Japan is one of the few major countries to disclose suicide data. CNN notes that the United States last published similar statistics back in 2018.

Back in January 2020, Japan broke a 40-year record for a minimum of suicides. In 2019, the Japanese authorities recorded 19,959 suicides, four percent fewer than in 2018. It is noted that for the first time the indicator turned out to be less than 20 thousand, and also broke the minimum record of 1981 – 20 434. At the same time, the data may still change for the worse during their standard revision in March.
