Governor of Arizona ignored Trump’s call and incurred his ire

Arizona Governor, Republican Doug Ducey ignored the call from the White House, which incurred the ire of the current US President Donald Trump . The Daily Mail writes about it.

As the newspaper notes, a video appeared on the network, filmed on the evening of Monday, November 30, during a press conference at which Ducy was to approve the results of the presidential elections in the region and recognize the victory of the Democratic candidate Joe Biden . The footage shows that a few seconds after the start of the event, the politician takes a mobile phone out of his pocket, looks at the screen, and then puts the gadget aside.

After that, Trump criticized Ducey’s behavior on his Twitter account. In particular, the American leader noted that the politician hastened to recognize Biden as the new president, despite the fact that at present “so many facts are being revealed related to the rigging of the voting results.” Trump also posted on his page tweets, the authors of which claimed that Ducy had betrayed the people of Arizona and asked why Democrats are needed when there are Republicans like him.

Later, the current president also joined the so-called electoral fraud hearings in Arizona. During his address, Trump called the elections one of the greatest scams in the history of the country, saying that now the whole world is laughing at the United States. He also accused the state government of corruption.

Arizona authorities approved Biden’s victory in the November 30 elections. According to Fox, the Democrat received 1.672 million votes, beating the current US President Trump. Based on this, Biden could receive 11 electoral votes.

On November 3, 2020, the next presidential elections were held in the United States. The counting of votes and the proceedings on this issue are still ongoing. According to the media, Biden received the necessary number of electoral votes to win, thus surpassing the current American leader Donald Trump. The democrat has already proclaimed himself the elected president of the United States. Trump, in turn, said that Biden was quick to call himself the country’s new leader.
