Woman pretends to have cancer for wedding and honeymoon money

A resident of the British city of Liverpool pretended to be dying in order to raise money for a wedding. The Daily Mail reports.

29-year-old Toni Standen claimed to have been diagnosed with cancer. According to her, doctors predicted that she had no more than two months to live. To support the woman, friends raised 8.5 thousand pounds (870 thousand rubles) for her on the GoFundMe crowdfunding service.

Stenden used the money to have a wedding and honeymoon in Turkey. Later, friends exposed her deception. At the trial, the woman confessed to fraud. No verdict has yet been passed, but she may face a prison sentence.

In 2018 it was reported that a 40-year-old Australian woman pretended to be cancer patient. During this time, 400 thousand Australian dollars (17.6 million rubles) were donated to her for treatment.
