Analysts assessed chances of returning to their old life thanks to COVID-19 vaccine

The advent of the COVID-19 vaccine in the first half of 2021 could improve the state of many economies around the world, but life will not be the same. This is stated in the forecast of the financial group ING for the next year, reports RIA Novosti .

According to experts, for many European countries, as well as the United States, things will first get worse and then improve. “The winter months will be characterized by tighter restrictions, requiring more endurance from people,” – assessed in ING.

At the same time, analysts do not have a clear concept of a “new norm”, said one of the authors of the forecast, the global head of macroanalytics at ING Carsten Brzeski. According to him, the concept will continue to include precautions, such as wearing masks, and all the consequences of restrictions on sectors such as leisure, travel, culture, cafes and restaurants.

Earlier, the World Health Organization (WHO) admitted that vaccines are not capable fully stop the spread of coronavirus infection. According to Hans Kluge, Regional Director for Europe, coronavirus vaccines will not answer all of our questions either, but they offer great hope in the war against the virus. The WHO Director for Europe also stressed that the potential can only be realized if countries are ensured equitable access to vaccines.
