State that launched a wave of protests for rights of blacks confirms Biden’s victory

The American state of Minnesota, which launched a wave of protests for the rights of blacks, confirmed the victory of the candidate from Democratic Party Joe Biden , reports Associated Press .

It is noted that the state electoral council unanimously confirmed the election results, according to which Biden scored seven percent more than the current president of the country Donald Trump – almost 52.5 percent against 45. At the same time, Minnesota showed record data on voter turnout, almost 80 percent of all voters came to vote there.

It was in Minnesota at the end of May that protests for the rights of blacks began under the slogan Black Lives Matter after the death of the guard George Floyd as a result of a gross arrest. Soon the actions of the police became the cause of mass pogroms throughout the country. Protesters allege unfair treatment of blacks.

Earlier at Biden’s headquarters confirmed the beginning of the formal procedure for the transfer of power from Donald Trump … At the same time, the president himself said that this decision does not mean agreement with the election results.

On November 3, 2020, regular presidential elections were held in the United States. The counting of votes and the proceedings on this issue are still ongoing. According to the media, Biden received the necessary number of electoral votes to win, thus beating Trump. The democrat has already proclaimed himself the elected President of the United States.
