An American woman with paralyzed hands did makeup with her leg and became famous on social networks. The relevant videos appeared in her TikTok -account.
Blogger Ashley McFaul regularly shares videos with subscribers about life with arthrogryposis, a congenital anomaly of the musculoskeletal system. Patients with this disease have deformities of the limbs and insufficient development of joints and muscles.
According to McFaul, although her arms look healthy, they lack muscles, so they are fixed in one position. “When I was a child, everything that ordinary children do with their hands, I did with their feet,” she explained.
In one of her videos at TikTok , a makeup artist showed fans how she makes a make-up in bright colors. In the above frames, she performs all the actions of her feet: she wipes her face with a towel, carefully dyes her eyebrows, draws arrows and applies eye shadow.
McFaul’s publications with makeup tutorials went viral and made her famous online. In total, the American video received more than three million likes. In the comments below the posts, users admire her abilities and compliment her appearance.
Earlier in June, a student invented outfits for the disabled and became famous. Evie Ashwin showed off a special line of clothing for people with disabilities at the prom show. During her show, only disabled people went to the podium.