In the English city of Taunton, a woman gave birth to twins two years apart. The Sun newspaper reports about it.
33-year-old Karen Marks said that three years ago she, together with her beloved James, went to an in vitro fertilization (IVF) clinic. The couple received five embryos with the help of a donor egg and sperm from James.
Karen successfully underwent IVF and gave birth to her son Cameron on September 1, 2018. “We never wanted Cameron to be an only child,” she says. After giving birth, the British woman again resorted to IVF and became pregnant, but she had a miscarriage. The next attempt was successful, and on September 15, 2020, daughter Isabella was born.
“It’s so strange to give birth to twins two years apart,” she notes. “I’ve always wanted to have four children. In the worst case, Cameron will be six years old when I have my last child. Although this may happen later. frozen embryos – approx. “” ) there is no expiration date as such “.
Karen clarifies that Cameron and Isabella are heterozygous twins. However, thanks to the remaining embryos, a woman has a chance to give birth to identical twins and even triplets.
Earlier it was reported about a surrogate mother who gave birth to twins for a gay couple with a difference of three years. The woman believes that seeing the happy faces of her parents is the best reward for her.