Woman covered whole body with tattoos for millions of rubles and switched to genitals

A US resident spent millions of rubles to completely cover her body with tattoos, according to the Daily Star.

32-year-old Julia Nuno from California has been into body art since she was 18. “It all started with a small hibiscus flower on the chest, and then it grew …” – she commented on her passion. In total, the American woman spent 234 hours in the tattoo parlor and left about 27 thousand dollars (two million rubles) there.

When Nuno realized that there was no longer any free space for drawings on her skin, she switched to the genitals. The woman admitted that she got her first tattoo in the intimate area in November in Texas, and that she is obsessed with the process of drawing.

“For a long time, I told everyone that I would never shave my head for tattoos, I thought it was crazy. But when the places ran out, it was the only obvious solution. When there was no room at all, I will begin to trace the existing lines, giving them brightness.” , – said Nuno and added that every time she allows the master to choose a new composition for her.

Currently, the only “unpainted” area of ​​her body is her face. She has already applied a floral image along its contour, but does not plan to stop there.

Earlier in November, a man covered with tattoos showed new fangs that he teeth for tens of thousands of rubles. He got his first tattoo at the age of 15, and 20 years later he was attracted by body modifications. At the moment, 80 percent of his skin, as well as his eyeballs, has drawings. Over the past few years, he has implanted a piercing under his scalp that mimics horns and cut his tongue in two.
