Pavel Durov promised to create a set of decentralized tools for people for the safe trading of cryptocurrencies and their storage. To achieve the goal, he uses his experience with the Fragments platform.
“The blockchain industry was built on the promise of decentralization, but in the end it was concentrated in the hands of several people who began to abuse their power,” – told founder of Telegram Pavel Durov.
At the end of October, Telegram launched Fragment – a platform for the sale of Telegram nicknames for Toncoin (Ton) tokens. Durov called Fragment a fully decentralized auction platform based on Open Network or Ton. In less than a month, nicknames in the amount of $ 50 million were sold there.
Pavel Durov said that Telegram is creating a set of decentralized tools, including wallets that are not related to storage, and decentralized exchanges for millions of people, “to safely trade and store cryptocurrencies.” He assured that with technologies such as Ton, “reaching their potential, the blockchain industry can fulfill its main mission – to regain power to people.”