On a study carried out on twenty-nine molds, the use of twenty-three of them is judged to be undergoing the health of consumers. The association claims a stricter European regulatory framework and seizes the general management of competition and the repression of fraud.
Some silicone molds used in the kitchen are likely to release toxic substances and contaminate food, alerts the UFC-Que Choosing in its latest issue. The association calls, in its Communicated Published Thursday 1
The Federal Union of Consumers conducted a study on twenty-nine silicone molds sold in store and on the Internet. Among them, twenty-three “can contaminate foods at very high levels or contain particularly harmful substances,” he concludes. This transmission can be “accelerated considerably in the presence of fat”, adds the association.
Another concern, “while the quantity of substances is expected to decrease over time, we notice the opposite effect with the mold of the Tupperware brand”, is surprised Olivier Andrault, charged with Food mission at UFC-Que Choisir. It would make fifteen times more substances for the third cooking than at first, according to the union.
Nine molds to avoid for the presence of carcinogenic substances
The association recommends avoiding nine references:
- Twelve cake boxes – Amazon Basics
- Mold for twenty -four minigâteaux – Aliexpress
- “Ionegg” for four minigâteaux, sold by two – Amazon
- Six minipâtisseries Starflex – Patisse
- Utensile for six donuts – Aliexpress
- Six minigâteaux – Tupperware
- Eighteen minimuffins – Carrefour Home
- Unicorn -shaped mold – Lily Cook
- “Moul flex” for six cakes – Buyer
“There are [among others] fragments of siloxans, additive components, impurities from silicone manufacturing (…). The harmfulness of many of these compounds remains unknown,” it is explained. “Some molds relaar particularly worrying substances likely to cause cancers, genetic mutations or damage to reproductive functions,” the association is still worried. These substances are found in particular in the molds of the Lily Cook and Aliexpress brand aforementioned, specifies the UFC.
As a precaution, the UFC-Que Choisir advises the use of fourteen molds, because, even if the migration of substances to food remains lower than the limit authorized in France 60 mg/kg, their toxicology did not been studied or they contain unwanted substances at low doses. Are affected products from the Super Kitchen brands, D r sup> oetker, Shein, Liewood, Auchan, Flying Tiger, 5Five, Action, Lékué, E.Leclerc, ScrapcoOking, Gifi and La Pavoni.
It remains possible, however, to find in the trade of molds whose transmission of substances is very low and where “no unwanted molecule” has been detected by the association for the defense of consumers. This is the case of molds tested by the Homedge, Silikomart, Tefal, Mastrad and Ikea brands.
Call for a hardening of regulations
In view of the results of the study, the association seized the DGCCRF for reinforced checks on the silicone molds sold to households.
The association also calls on the European authorities to define stricter regulation on silicone cooking utensils and claims the prohibition of substances whose harmfulness is demonstrated or suspected. In the absence of harmonious regulations between the member states of the European Union, the UFC is concerned about the circulation of products manufactured in countries where the regulations would be more lax than the French, deemed obsolete. “French regulations are more than thirty years old and it is today particularly incomplete, by contenting itself into practice to define a maximum level of emissions all substances combined, when it would be necessary to define much lower levels for each substances The most dangerous identified, “deplores the UFC.