proposed by the deputy and candidate for the presidency of the Republicans Aurélien Pradié, the text did not have the approval of the government. The Keeper of the Seals denounces the risk of a disorganization of jurisdictions.
mo12345lemonde with AFP
The National Assembly adopted in extremis, Thursday 1 er in the evening, a bill of republicans to fight against domestic violence, oppositions withdrawn their amendments to allow this green light before midnight. Adopted by 41 votes for and 40 against, the text of the deputy LR du Lot Aurélien Pradié provides for the creation of a “specialized jurisdiction to intra -family violence”.
On the model of what exists in Spain, this jurisdiction would associate “the powers of the civil judge and the criminal judge”, by relying “on referents within each prosecution,” explained Mr. Pradié. Adopted at first reading, the proposal will be transmitted to the Senate, majority on the right.
The number of feminicides increased by 20 % in France in 2021 (122 against 102 in 2020). From 1 er January 2022 in mid-November, 100 women have already been killed under the blows of their spouse, according to an association collective.
Accusing the government of “obstruction”, the deputies of oppositions had withdrawn all their amendments to go directly to the vote before the end of the LR parliamentary niche, a day which allowed it to present its own texts.
“You stole the debate”
While only three amendments out of 57 had been examined, LR deputies began by saying their dissatisfaction with the two ministers present. “You should not engage in an obstruction game week after week,” deplored the boss of LR deputies, Olivier Marleix. “It is recurrence and pure sabotage,” abounded Aurélien Pradié, deploring “an absolutely detestable maneuver, which is more on a subject like this”. “You are doing everything so that we do not examine this text because you have the trouble to be beaten,” he added.
Then the deputies asked for a suspension of the session at the end of which they announced that they were withdrawing their amendments. It is a question of continuing in the Senate “the work of co -construction”, underlined the deputy La France rebellious of Essonne, Antoine Léaument. “So that we can vote it,” added the elected ecologist of the Bas-Rhin Sandra Regol.
Denouncing a proposal “made to the outset” and a “law at a discount”, the Minister for Women-Men Equality, Isabelle Rome, announced during the debate the organization of “a group two -week contact “at the end of the parliamentary mission,” to associate the different political groups “.