Cabinets are closed on Thursday and Friday, to protest against the lack of recognition and claim tariff increases. In Saint-Ouen, Angers or Besançon, the professionals explain their decision to strike or not, and the patients are patient.
by Yves Tréca-Durand (Angers, correspondent ), Jean-Pierre Tenoux (Besançon, correspondent), Robin Richardot and Mattea Battaglia
In front of the Saint-Ouen immediate medical care center (Seine-Saint-Denis), mask under the chin, a young doctor takes advantage of a cigarette break. “Today is shit, she breathes, expeling her smoke. It is 3:30 p.m. and I have already seen 35 patients. We don’t stop.” On this first day of December and Strike of liberal doctors, the pace in the center is more sustained than usual. But the professional, who preferred to remain anonymous, still supports the movement. “We must not believe that all doctors will play golf in helicopter. The reality on the ground is much closer to this type of day,” she says before returning to his consultations.
Thousands of doctors and liberal biologists closed their firms and their laboratories Thursday 1 er and Friday December 2, some to protest against the lack of recognition and claim increases in prices, the Others to rise against the puncture carried, through the budget of the “security”, to their profits. All unions of liberal doctors, in full conventional negotiation with health insurance, support the movement, with nuances in their positioning; A first since 2015.
With, for main demand, the doubling of the amount of the consultation – from 25 to 50 euros -, the young collective doctors for tomorrow, with 15,000 members on Facebook, gave the impetus. Thursday evening, there were more than 10,000 closed firms in its ranks – for 110,000 liberal practitioners. “A minimal figure because many doctors responded only once for their entire cabinet,” notes Céline Brettelle, spokesperson for the collective. The Syndicate Les Génélistes-CSMF made more than 80 % of closed offices. The UFML, 75 %, with a strong participation in Toulouse, Bordeaux, Strasbourg, Lyon … “Doctors do not have the culture of mobilization, recalls Jérôme Marty, of the UFML. Many told us that they had never gone on their lives. It is a decision as symbolic as it is difficult. “
” patients support us “
Pancarts, whistles, slogans: anger was heard on Thursday in around twenty cities, at least. A thousand white blouses were brought together in Paris in front of the Ministry of Health, 450 in Nantes, 200 in Toulouse, as much in Rennes or Marseille. In Corsica, a third of 300 liberal doctors had declared themselves strikers. Figures, not confirmed by the Ministry of Health, to “take a step back”, reacted Thomas Fatôme, the director general of health insurance, who awaits the reimbursement data to “measure the reality of the movement”.
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