The ecological fiber of young engineers upsets a sector which already faces recruitment difficulties.
by Joséphine Lebard
They do not escape the wave. Like their counterparts of Agro Paris Tech, HEC or other grandes écoles who asserted, during speeches for graduation, their expectations and their concerns, the new generation of building engineers feeds different ambitions from those of his elders. “The salary is no longer the first motivation, notes Joël Cuny, Managing Director of the Special School of Public Works, Building and Industry (ESTP Paris) and general delegate of the Higher Education Network for Construction . Today, engineers want to integrate a company related to environmental issues and consistent with their values. It is a phenomenon that is both very present and very recent. If they are aware that companies cannot obviously not Change overnight, they at least attach importance to a discourse of sincerity. “
This is how Loïck Rauscher Laurance, 25, a graduate of the National School of Mines in Nancy, preferred to turn away from the large group where he was posting. When, in interview, to the ritual question on the qualities of the candidate, the young man declared that he was joined and defending ecology, he felt the slight discomfort of his interlocutor. “Nevertheless, I was told that if I wanted to install recyclable trash cans in the offices, I would be supported,” he noted with irony. Sarah (some of our interlocutors required anonymity), 22, in fifth year at Centrale Nantes, noticed, during an internship in an important design office, “that it was difficult to change things from the inside “.
As for Antoine, 27, a graduate of the National School of Mines of Albi, he preferred to leave his job in a large engineering desk, nevertheless claiming a green fiber. “The tendency to do” greenwashing “insupported me. Systematically, our chiefs told us that we had to respect the customer’s will. That if he did not want to engage in a more frankly ecological approach, we should not Forcing it. The fear of losing it was too great. “During a period of reflection after a burn-out, Antoine plans to convert into teaching, the management of a bar at board games or the energy renovation.
Energy renovation. The words are released. As Dominique Naert recalls, director of the specialized masters “real estate and sustainable buildings” at the School of Ponts Paris Tech, by 2030, twenty million dwellings will be renovated. “We know a real constructive revolution, with the energy renovation plan, the RE 2020, the extension of the antigaspillage law for a circular economy, he underlines. We know that many buildings are energetic. And that comfort Was questioned by the cold, the heat. We crossed a pandemic which caused suffering in the accommodation. There are things to do! “
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